Your profession with a future

As a solar installer, you're starting out in an industry that's set to really take off in the coming years. As a solar installer, you're starting out in an industry that's set to really take off in the years and decades to come. Before now, there hasn't been a separate profession for solar panel installation, so you're part of a pioneering team! Before now, there hasn't been a separate profession for solar panel installation, so you're part of a pioneering team! And your apprenticeship is just the beginning. You can build a promising career with a vocational baccalaureate, further training or specialisation.
It's worth a try
It's worth a try
Apprenticeship with vocational baccalaureate - what do I need to know?
SOLA Blog Berufsmatura 1_Dauer
Apprenticeship with vocational baccalaureate - what do I need to know?
Faster into the future
Swissolar_Blog verkuerzte Lehre-1
Faster into the future

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