
An industry with so many exciting aspects. Solar energy writes stories.

It's worth a try
Are you still undecided about which apprenticeship you would like to do after school? Then do what Lino...
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Apprenticeship with vocational baccalaureate - what do I need to know?
SOLA Blog Berufsmatura 1_Dauer
Thinking of doing the vocational baccalaureate? No problem alongside an apprenticeship as a solar installer!...
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Faster into the future
Swissolar_Blog verkuerzte Lehre-1
Depending on your previous education, you can shorten your apprenticeship. With an EFZ in a related profession,...
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What do you do after your apprenticeship?
SOLA Blog nach Lehre 1_Karriereweg
As a solar installer, there are many exciting career paths open to you. If you would like to do another...
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What will you learn during your apprenticeship?
Swissolar_Blog Ausbildung-1
During your training as a solar installer, you will acquire comprehensive knowledge about the assembly...
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Who are your employers?
Swissolar_Blog Beruf mit Zukunft-2
An apprenticeship as a solar installer will give you great prospects for the future. And that's because...
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